Joseph Sze Chung Chow
Department Head of Moderns
at St. Brother André CHS
OCT Number
Date of Birth:
March 1st, 1986

Educational Background
June 2017
Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Part 2
March 2019
Junior Division
July 2011
French as a Second Language, Specialist
August 2018
DELF Correcteur for A1, A2, B1, B2 French Language
July 2018
Advanced Placement Teacher Training for French Language and Culture
June 2019
Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Specialist
September 2019 - November 2021
Master of Education in Language and Literacy Education, University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario
June 2011
Religious Education Part 1
December 2010
Intermediate Division, Religious Education
July 2010
French as a Second Language, Part 2
June 2010
English as a Second Language, Part 1
July 2009
Special Education, Part 1
July 2008
Honours Bachelor of Arts, University of Toronto, Ontario,
Major in French Language and Studio Arts
June 2004
St. Augustine Catholic High School, Markham, Ontario
July 2009
Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Intermediate and Senior Division, French as a Second Language and Visual Arts
December 2022
Principal's Qualification, Part 1
Principal's Qualification, Part 2 (Candidate)
January 2022
YCDSB Aspiring Vice-Principal Discernement Series
Work Experience
September 2010 - Present
St. Brother André Catholic High School
Department Head of Moderns Languages (2013 to present)
Lead professional activities days
Build the French Immersion program at the secondary levell for YCDSB
Provided curriculum guidance and support to department members
Ensured compliance to Growing Success with assessment and evaluation strategies
Maintained a balanced department budget
Mentored beginner teachers through the Teacher Induction Program
Lead professional learning communities for oral communication strategies to enhance everyday usage of French
French as a Second Language, Religious Education and English Teacher
Engaged grades 9 – 12 students with interactive language learning
Supported differentiated instruction to ensure student success
Collaborated with the special education department to address learning needs and accommodations for students
Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) Arts and Culture Liaison
Organized enrichment opportunities for Reach Ahead and Experiential Learning requirements for certification
Mentored, tracked and supported SHSM students towards the Red Seal diploma
Liaised with district and provincial SHSM leads
September 2018 - Present
York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB)
Subject Council Chair (completed 2021-2022 school year)
Facilitate Moderns Subject Council meetings with all the department heads of Modern Languages
Attend meetings at the school board to discuss new initiatives
July 2010 - Present
e-learn Summer School teacher, Careers Education and Civics and Citizenship, Literacy Non-Credit Course, Photography and Kickstart Program
Taught Summer school course online through Desire2Learn system and Google Classroom system
Created resources for a variety of summer school courses
Communicated with parents to inform them about their child's progress
July 2015 - August 2015
AYJ Global
English as a Second Language Teacher
Taught English as a Second Language to students (16 - 20 years old) in Kaiping, China
Used differentiated instruction and strategies to promote second language acquisition
Communicated with parents in both English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) regarding student progress
Collaborated with teacher assistant in China as well as Canadian ESL teachers to ensure student success
Sept. 2009 - June 2010
Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy
French as a Second Language and Religious Education Teacher
Incorporated Cooperative Learning strategies to enhance student learning
Aligned classroom practices to the Catholic Graduate Expectations
Supported students learning through extra-curricular activities
July 2004 - Jan. 2019
Private Tutoring in French Education
Delivered grades 4 – 8 curriculum expectations
Engaged grades 4 -12 students with grammar usage in French
Provided transition strategies for grade 8 students to become successful in grade 9 French
Assisted students practice their oral French by engaging them in French Conversations
April 2005 - August 2008
Toronto Cross-Cultural Community Association (TCCSA)
Community Development Assistant Coordinator
Organized engaging activities to promote active learning through crafts, life skills, language arts, mathematics and science for students from 6-13 years old
Managed program budget and expenses
Maintain regular communication with parents on student progress
Professional Development & Presentation
August 2018
Centre international d'études pédagogique (CIEP) Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) Correcteur Training
Acquired strategies to teach in a DELF classroom
Certified to evaluate students French abilities in accordance to the Ministry of Education in France
July 2018
Advanced Placement French Language and Culture Training
Acquired strategies for the Advanced Placement French Language and Culture classroom
March 2016
YCDSB EdTech Saturday Presented
Presented ideas and strategies to engage language students through technology and support their second language acquisition. Perspective shared was from the context of the French Language classroom.
March 2013
OMLTA Conference Attended
Incorporated information communication technology in French teaching to enhance practical use of language
Acquired an understanding of the Common European Framework for teaching French
Applied effective oral communication strategies to engage student participation
December 2009
Fred Jones: Tools of Teaching Workshop Attended
An 18 hour workshop that teaches practical strategies for discipline, instruction and motivation in the classroom
March 2016
GLACIE Cooperative Learning Conference Attended
Acquired cooperative learning strategies and incorporated them in delivery of lessons
Integrated cooperative learning activities to enhance student engagement and retention
November 2017
YCDSB EdTech PA Day Presented
Presented ideas and opportunity for teachers to gain ideas for language development in their classroom. Some technology that was explored was D2L, Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Forms, Google sites & screencastify.
February 2018
Standard First Aid & CPR - Certified under ACT First Safety
April 2021
OMLTA Conference Attended​
Acquired an understanding of how to create a culturally relevant pedagogy
Learned different strategies to be inclusive as an administrator for the FSL program
Ontario Volunteer Award: Youth
recognition for commitment in volunteerism
Tom Tittle Youth Award
recognition in St. Augustine for being a positive role model
York Secondary Catholic Presidents' Council: Religious Leadership Award
an award that celebrates a student whose Catholic Leadership has made a significant contribution to the school community. The winner is an advocate of the Church, and demonstrates the moral teachings of the York Catholic Distribute School Board
York Secondary Catholic Presidents' Council: Teaching Staff Award
an award that pays tribute to the patience and encouragement of a teaching staff member that has been actively involved with the extracurricular activities at his or her school
Additional Qualifications
Principal's Qualification, Part 2 (Candidate)
December 2022
Principal's Qualification, Part 1
June 2019
Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Specialist
March 2019
Junior Division
June 2017
Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Part 2
July 2011
French as a Second Language, Specialist
June 2011
Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Part 1
December 2010
Intermediate Division, Religious Education
July 2010
French as Second Language, Part 2
June 2010
English as a Second Language, Part 1
June 2009
Special Education, Part 1
Co-Curricular Activities
current and past involvements as teacher supervisor
Asian Students Association and Partnership
Student Council
Student Government (President's Council)
POWER Source (Anti Racism/Multicultural/Diversity) Council
Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving Council
Senior and Junior Badminton Coach
Ski and Snowboard Club
Dance Club
Graduation Committee
Literacy Committee
Prom Committee
Awards Committee
the following are some websites of projects that I was involved in i
Blended Learning Models and BLE Tools​
Learning French for Everyday Life